These are the legal pages and notices for Hussein Albarznji, the owner/operator of the website and BrilliantFuture Solutions LTD company located at


Company registration number: 15362499 – Given at Companies House, Cardiff, UK.


Anti-Spam Policy

The following describes the Anti-Spam Policy for our website,, which is owned and operated by HUSSEIN ON Marketing.

What Is Spam?

Spam refers to unsolicited email, commonly known as junk mail received via email, or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email). Most of us have encountered emails from unknown senders in our email inboxes. At HUSSEIN ON MARKETING, we adhere to accepted permission-based email guidelines by sending emails only to those who have expressly requested to receive them.

What About The Laws Against Spam?

Various laws exist to regulate spam, both at the federal and state levels. However, it’s important to note that these laws can vary between states and may have different definitions of unsolicited commercial email. Federal agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also oversee spam-related matters. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 attempts to provide a unified approach to unsolicited commercial email at the federal level. Enforcing spam laws consistently can be challenging, so vigilance is essential.

Furthermore, we ensure your control over whether you receive emails from [Your Name/Company Name], as outlined in our “No Tolerance” policy below.

Our No Tolerance Anti-Spam Policy

WE HAVE A NO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY. We do not send emails unless individuals have willingly provided their information through an “opt-in” form or “webform,” expressing interest in our information, products, and/or services or have explicitly and proactively requested communication. Awareness of our Membership benefits spreads through advertising, joint venture marketing, and word of mouth. We establish relationships only with individuals interested in learning more about our offerings and who willingly subscribe to our email communications. You maintain complete control over whether you receive email communication from HUSSEIN ON MARKETING and can opt out at any time.

NOTE – Every email sent by us includes a mandatory unsubscribe link that cannot be removed. Hence, every communication from HUSSEIN ON MARKETING provides the option to “unsubscribe” and cease further email communication.

CHANGE NOTICE: Similar to our other administrative and legal notice pages, the contents of this page may change over time. Therefore, this page may appear differently during your subsequent visits. These changes are made by HUSSEIN ON MARKETING to safeguard you and our website. If this page is of importance to you, we recommend checking it regularly, as we will not provide advance notice of content changes, either before or after the changes take effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been meticulously prepared by a legal professional. HUSSEIN ON MARKETING has obtained the necessary licenses for the use of these legal notices and administrative pages on our website,, for your protection and ours. Unauthorized use is strictly monitored through Copyscape to identify and address any violations.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have inquiries about the content of this page or wish to contact us for any reason, please reach out via email at

Copyright Notice

The following describes the Copyright Notice for our website,, which is owned and operated by Hussein On Marketing.

The entire contents of our website are safeguarded by intellectual property laws, including international copyright and trademark regulations. The copyrights and/or trademarks are owned by our website, Hussein On Marketing, and/or other third-party licensors or related entities.

You do not possess rights to any articles, books, eBooks, documents, blog posts, software, applications, add-ons, plugins, artwork, graphics, images, photos, videos, webinars, recordings, or other materials viewed or listened to through or from our Hussein On Marketing website, email communications, or protected content in a membership site. Posting data on our website, such as a blog comment, does not alter this fact and does not grant you any rights to the data. Once your content becomes part of our website, you relinquish any rights to it.


  • Modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute, in any manner, the material on our website, including text, graphics, code, and/or software. You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original material on any copy you make of the material.
  • Sell or modify the material, or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the material in any way for any public or commercial purpose.
  • Use paid material on any other website or in a networked computer environment for any purpose.

Violation of any of these terms or conditions results in the automatic termination of your permission to use the material, and you must promptly destroy any copies you have made of the material.

You are granted a nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use our Hussein On Marketing website solely for private, personal, and non-commercial purposes. You may print and download portions of material from different areas of the website solely for your own non-commercial use, provided that you agree not to alter the content from its original form. Additionally, you agree not to modify or remove any copyright or proprietary notices from the materials you print or download from Hussein On Marketing. Please be aware that any notice on any part of our website that prohibits printing and downloading supersedes all previous statements and controls.

As a user at Hussein On Marketing, you commit to using the products and services offered by our website in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. No material that infringes on or violates the rights of others, is unlawful, obscene, profane, indecent, objectionable, threatening, defamatory, or invasive of privacy or publicity rights, shall be stored or transmitted.

Our website prohibits conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law. Any activity that restricts or inhibits any other Hussein On Marketing user from using our website’s services is also prohibited. Unless permitted by a written agreement, you may not post or transmit advertising or commercial solicitations on our website.

CHANGE NOTICE: Similar to our other administrative and legal notice pages, the contents of this page may change over time. Therefore, this page may appear differently during your subsequent visits. These changes are made by Hussein On Marketing to safeguard you and our website. If this page is of importance to you, we recommend checking it regularly, as we will not provide advance notice of content changes, either before or after the changes take effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been meticulously drafted by a legal professional. Hussein On Marketing has obtained the necessary licenses for the use of these legal notices and administrative pages on our website,, for your protection and ours. Unauthorized use is strictly monitored through Copyscape to identify and address any violations.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: For inquiries regarding the contents of this page or to reach us for any other reason, please contact us via email at

Earnings Disclaimer

The following describes the Earnings Disclaimer for our website,, which is owned and operated by Hussein On Marketing under BrilliantFuture Solutions LTD.

We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and income statements made by Hussein On Marketing and its customers are estimates of what we believe you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income, and you accept the risk that earnings and income statements may differ for each individual.

As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Each individual’s success depends on their background, dedication, desire, and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee, which can reduce results.

We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your own due diligence, and you agree that Hussein On Marketing is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services.

This website may contain or may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions, or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be “forward-looking statements.”

Forward-looking statements are based on expectations, estimates, and projections at the time the statements are made, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward-looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as “expects,” “will,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “believes,” or statements indicating certain actions “may,” “could,” or “might” occur.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our administrative and legal notice pages, the contents of this page can and will change over time. Accordingly, this page could read differently as of your very next visit. These changes are necessitated, and carried out by Hussein On Marketing, in order to protect you and our Hussein On Marketing website. If this page is important to you, you should check back frequently, as no other notice of changed content will be provided either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been diligently drafted by an attorney. We at Hussein On Marketing have paid to license the use of these legal notices and administrative pages on for your protection and ours. This material may not be used in any way for any reason, and unauthorized use is policed via Copyscape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any questions about the contents of this page or simply wish to reach us for any other reason, you may do so by emailing us at

Medical Disclaimer

This is the Medical Disclaimer for the website, operated by Hussein On Marketing.

While the author and publisher of and its associated communications, materials, and products have diligently prepared these materials, they make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the content on this website and its related communications, materials, and products. The information provided here is purely for educational purposes. If you choose to implement any concepts from this website or its related materials, you are solely responsible for your actions.

Please note that the author and publisher are not licensed medical professionals, and they do not provide medical advice, diagnose, or treat any medical conditions. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider about your individual health, medical, hormonal, and blood sugar concerns. The content on this website and its related communications, materials, and products should not be considered a substitute for medical advice or guidance from a medical doctor or another healthcare professional. Individuals considering dietary changes, medication, exercise, or lifestyle modifications for health or disease management must first seek advice and clearance from a competent healthcare professional.

The information presented on and its related communications, materials, and products should not be interpreted as specific advice. It offers a limited overview of available scientific and empirical evidence with the sole aim of raising awareness and encouraging further exploration of valuable information that may contribute to improved health.

Individuals intending to apply the information from this website and its related communications, materials, and products to enhance their health must thoroughly review the cited scientific references and consult a qualified medical practitioner for personalized guidance. All patients require individualized treatment plans tailored by their personal medical advisors.

The decision to utilize any information from this website and its related communications, materials, and products rests entirely with the reader, who assumes full responsibility for any outcomes arising from such decisions. The author and Hussein On Marketing shall not be held liable or responsible for any real or perceived losses or harm resulting from the use of information from this website and its related communications, materials, and products.

It is important to note that our statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the content on this website and its related communications, materials, and products, as well as any referenced products, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our administrative and legal notice pages, the contents of this page may change over time. These changes are made by Hussein On Marketing to ensure your protection and the continued operation of our If this page is significant to you, please check back periodically, as we do not provide advance notice of changes.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been carefully drafted by an attorney. Hussein On Marketing has obtained licenses to use these legal notices and administrative pages on to safeguard both you and our interests. Unauthorized use is closely monitored through Copyscape to detect violations.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any questions about the contents of this page or need to contact us for any reason, please feel free to reach out by emailing us at

Social Media Disclaimer

This Social Media Disclosure pertains to, operated by Hussein On Marketing.

The Era of Online Privacy and Social Media Concerns

In our rapidly evolving digital age, individuals often balance the ideals of privacy with the inclination to share personal details and experiences openly, even on platforms like While the act of sharing may seem harmless, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential risks of unrestricted public disclosure, as recent legal actions have highlighted.

Prominent social media platforms have faced legal challenges related to unauthorized or abusive personal data use. The failure to safeguard users and provide clear warnings can lead to significant legal consequences. Lawsuits have emerged, seeking damages for statements linked to adverse outcomes, including harm to individuals’ well-being or even tragic events. Bloggers, often believing they have broad freedom of speech akin to traditional media, have faced legal consequences, including defamation, slander, and libel claims.

As social media continues to advance, offering more sophisticated tools for communication and sharing, the risks of boundary-less revelation grow. It is vital to approach social media with a balanced perspective, enjoying its benefits while avoiding the consequences of excessive disclosure, particularly on platforms like [Hussein On Marketing’s Website URL].

Extent of Social Media Presence

You should assume that social media features are active on A simple click or share can compile information about you, accessible to various parties. Sharing a webpage via direct or email forwarding may extend beyond the intended recipient, potentially reaching an extensive audience. These actions can create a ripple effect right here on

Even seemingly innocuous actions, like leaving a blog comment, can have unforeseen consequences, as immediate reactions may not fully represent your true perspective. Additionally, connecting one website using another’s login credentials can accumulate extensive data about you, exposing more information than you may intend or realize. While these features may not always be present on, it’s essential to recognize the broad scope of social media and employ responsible usage.

Protecting Others

Recognize that disclosures made on social media platforms, whether on this website or others, often affect and involve more than just you. Information shared can pertain to group matters or third parties, sometimes without discretion. What may appear amusing in one context can become tragic in another, and a seemingly harmless retaliation can have lifelong consequences.

Optimal social media usage on our website should primarily focus on your experiences rather than divulging details about others. When uncertain, err on the side of caution, refraining from sharing information that may inadvertently expose someone else on or elsewhere.

Protecting Yourself

Consider the long-term implications before publicly sharing personal information about yourself on Personal preferences, beliefs, and opinions may evolve over time, leading to potential conflicts with past declarations now permanently ingrained in your public profile.

Remember that open disclosure of your perspectives today may not align with your future beliefs. Over-sharing personal details, even seemingly insignificant ones, can affect your ability to secure employment or influence other aspects of your life and aspirations. Exercise discretion, especially as we may not be able to remove shared content once posted.

Restrictions on Social Media Data Usage

Visitors to are not authorized to mine social media or other platforms for personal information about others. Publicly displayed data should not be construed as license to capture, reproduce, or reuse such information. Social media and related platforms on our website are designed for interactive use during your visit only.

Accuracy of Social Media Data

Since social media platforms rely on user-generated content, consider this when evaluating the credibility of the information you encounter. We do not verify user-generated content for accuracy. Best practice is to view such content as personal opinions, rather than factual statements.

Potential Liability Concerns

Words shared online can lead to liability for harm caused to others. While freedom of speech is a right, it does not permit harm to others. Under tort law principles, you are personally responsible for situations where:

  1. You were obligated to act but failed (a “duty of care”).
  2. You were required to refrain from certain actions but didn’t (e.g., slander, defamation).

Operating under the guise of a business entity does not absolve individuals of their personal responsibilities for unlawful or unethical conduct. Seek legal counsel if you are unsure about potential legal consequences arising from actions on this website or elsewhere.

CHANGE NOTICE: This page’s contents may change over time, as necessary to protect you and our Please check periodically, as we do not provide advance notice of changes.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: All legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been prepared by a licensed attorney. We have licensed their use on to protect both you and our interests. Unauthorized use is actively monitored through Copyscape to detect violations.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have questions about this page’s contents or need to contact us for any reason, please email us at