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And Created More 7-Figure Entrepreneurs Than Any Other!

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A Comprehensive Coaching Program
To Create And Launch
 A Digital Product
That Makes Sales While You Sleep

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What's Inside Partnership
To Success

When you join this program, here's how we'll work together:

​Every day for the next 60 days, you'll get access to a new online module hosted on a private, password-protected membership site.

Each module will reveal a crucial part of the PROVEN Partnership To Success process for launching your own digital product. They're all engineered to work together synergistically.

And you’ll discover how you can quickly implement these secrets to create and sell YOUR first successful digital product… so you can enjoy a level of independence, satisfaction and financial freedom that most people will never know.

Even better, John will show you how to do it working just 1-2 hours a day... so you can enjoy both your business and your life.

Now that you know all that, let's move on to what's revealed in the various modules. Then John will explain all the details about how you'll work together
if you decide to join Partnership To Success.

Here’s the entire program curriculum, laid out for you:


Building Your Platform

How to set up the foundation for long-term business success

First thing’s first, you need to be clear on what you're doing, where you're going, and how you're going to get there. The program starts with a 10,000-foot overview of exactly what's involved in taking your digital product business from idea to income. And you’ll learn how to set yourself up to get the most from this training over the next 60 days and beyond.

Our PROVEN roadmap for building a successful, thriving and emotionally rewarding digital product empire…
which works no matter what level of online experience you’re starting with.

How to set up a website that allows you to go from a total unknown in your niche… to a celebrity expert… in record time! (Even if you have ZERO technical skills and have never built a website before in your life.)

A step-by-step guide to building a simple lead magnet and high-converting opt-in page that builds you a buyer-
filled email list who looks to you for solutions.

The “success” mindset every digital product creator needs to adopt. This is VERY important if you want to
succeed in this program! But once you get this, you’ll be focused and on-track to launch your first digital product in just 60 days.


Targeting Your Niche

How to pick a profitable niche chock-full
of hungry buyers

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is going straight to building the product they always wanted to create. Before you create anything, you need to be sure you know what people want to buy so the time you invest actually pays off and customers are eager to buy your product.

A fast and easy way to find top performing products in any niche. (You’ll see the top converting offers so you can model them using our proven system... and can start making more money FASTER.)

A complete system to find, select and narrow possible niches so you find the “sweet spot” where you can create a product that will sell itself… and avoid wasting your hard-earned money and time on unprofitable ideas.

How to pick a profitable niche that gives you the best possible chance of success. Few digital product creators spend enough time on this essential step. Marketing online can be tricky, but don’t worry. You’ll get details on not just choosing and defining your market, but validating it, too.

How to take your niche and carve out an entire category. Doing this can instantly make you the industry leader and makes it virtually impossible for your competition to succeed.

The step-by-step process to create your customer avatar so you have laser focus when building your product and doing your marketing.

How to get inside the head of your customer and tap into their emotional “hot buttons” so you can make your products IRRESISTIBLE.


Planning Your Product

How to find out exactly what your future customers want to learn

Once you know what people in your target market want to learn about, you’ll be ready to brainstorm and map out the various elements that you plan to include in your first successful product! We’ll show you how to easily and effectively structure your product, so you’re on the fast-track to success.

A simple exercise for discovering the best possible idea for your first digital product. One of the most important steps in the product creation process is deciding what your product should be about. Here is where we’ll show you a simple system for discovering the best place to start with your first digital product.

How to guarantee your product idea will SELL. There’s an important difference between something your market wants, and something they’re willing to BUY. These research techniques will show you how to find out what problems people are happy to pay to have solved.

A quick and proven way to validate your product idea has legs… before you invest months researching and building it. This is the special validation process that all of our successful students used to ensure they ditched their bad ideas before they led them astray!

The 3 types of “format” that you can use for your new product. These proven formats work best for digital products, and depending on your content, time commitment and personality, we’ll show you which is the best structure for you.

How to avoid the “analysis paralysis” that CAN keep you from getting your first product done. The #1 most common pitfall that kills momentum is over-planning. Let us show you how to deftly dodge that problem and get your product in front of your ideal customers – FAST!


Creating Your Product

How to create a digital product that puts you on the fast-track to success

At first glance, it looks like a huge chore to create all of the content for your digital product… especially when you’re starting from scratch! But when you do it the way I show you, you won’t have to start from scratch. Because in this module, you’ll discover…

How to create your first digital product within DAYS – instead of weeks or months – by using a little-known application of the 80/20 rule. (It’s so simple... but almost NOBODY knows it!)

Discover 3 little-known frameworks that make creating a high quality product your customers will LOVE to buy a quick, easy and fun process. This is the exact step-by-step plan used by two of my students to grow their online businesses into mid 7-figure monsters in their respective markets… in record time.
How to take advantage of the biggest publisher of information in the U.S. and use their material to create your digital product… without paying a penny in fees or royalties! Practically NOBODY knows this insiders-only strategy. But a select few in-the-know have been quietly using it to make a MINT.

How to increase the value of your product by giving it the right name. (Many customers will judge your product by what you name it, so it’s important you get this right.)

My proven 52-point product creation checklist – the exact one I’ve used to generate MILLIONS. It’s simple and easy to follow… and I’ve proven time and time again that anybody can do it.

Not all products are equal. Discover advanced product creation and positioning strategies so you can command a premium price for any product you create.


Building Your Members Area

How to deliver your product in a totally automated, hands-off way

Growing your business as quickly as possible and making a lot of money are great. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a slave to your business. What I have to share with you in this module is a unique way of delivering your products that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom.

How to turn your content into a polished online course, membership site, or any other digital product you can imagine… even if you’re a total technophobe and don’t even have a website right now.

An “under-the-radar” automation trick that makes delivering your digital product take less time and effort… but provide MORE value! Get this right and life's a breeze. Get it wrong and you’ll be faced with a mob of angry customers who will NEVER buy from you again.

How this one simple addition to your members area can as much as DOUBLE your sales, profits and income! (It takes less than 30 minutes… literally!)

The key to welcoming new customers in a way that immediately makes them feel like they are in the right place. Getting this right is the key to providing a great customer experience… minimizing refund requests… and building great word-of-mouth marketing for your product.


Crafting Your Sales Page

How to craft "overnight" sales copy your customers will be powerless to resist

The difference between a product launch that just does okay, and a launch that brings 5 or even 6 figures is this:
the product creator behind the successful launch knows how to craft a sales page that works to convert visitors into buyers.
And soon, you will be able to do that, too. Because in this module we’ll cover...

How to write headlines and sales copy that really SELL… including all of my favorite headline and copy formulas and fill-in-the-blanks exercises to write great copy instantly.

Three elements that MUST be present on every sales page. (When they are, you’ll see sales and profits beyond your wildest expectations!)

A step-by-step video walkthrough of MY most profitable sales pages. You’ll see everything is laid on the line as I explain the psychology behind them… why they’re presented this way… and how to model them for maximum income with your own products.

Five secrets for quickly writing effective, hard-hitting, order-pulling sales copy… even if the only thing you’ve ever written is a shopping list. (No experience required. Simply “fill in the blanks” and you can create million dollar sales copy.)

A quick way to uncover and use the exact same “problem language” in your copy that your customers use. (This creates an IMMEDIATE emotional bond with your prospects and practically FORCES them to trust what you say.)

The one most powerful element missing in almost every sales page you see online. (Add this in and you could easily DOUBLE or TRIPLE your conversions overnight!)


Join Venture Partnership

How to attract join venture partners and build a "round-the-clock" sales team

If you’re planning to rely solely on your own marketing efforts to drive sales, then you’re thinking too small! Your key to record-breaking revenue may lie in strategic joint venture partnerships. In this module you’ll learn how to find, pitch, and build win-win partnerships with other marketers who are chomping at the bit to sell your product FOR you.

How to approach joint venture partners and get them excited to say “YES!” to promoting your digital product. (Even if they don’t know you from Adam.)

Top secret, from-the-trenches insights about what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to attracting new partners… including the most important pieces of information they’ll want from you.

How to structure your partnership agreements to keep your JV partners happy and motivated to continue driving sales. (This instantly earns you their loyalty and makes them WANT to go the extra mile when promoting your product.)

Why joint venture partners will be falling all over themselves to flood your sales page with their BEST traffic. (Simply make this "top secret" offer to them and they'll practically BEG you to take their best buyers from them.)

How to pull off a viral product launch that drives massive traffic and sells your product like CRAZY. (This secret works even if your list is brand new and you know almost nothing about marketing.)


Setting Up Your Tech Tools

How to fuel the engine that will power your long-term business growth

By this point, a lot of the “grunt” work has already been done. In this module, we show you how to set up your tech tools so you can prepare to launch your digital product, and build a system that automates the entire process.

An in-depth look at the three most popular payment processors on the market. I’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each platform, and show you how to choose the right one for your needs and budget.

The little-known tool which will track all of your sales and ensure both you AND your affiliates get paid on time,
every time…
without you ever lifting a finger. (Best of all,
it’s FREE!)

Want the best chance of success with your new digital product? Then HERE is the affiliate marketplace you need to be using. (Imagine having your pick of the BEST affiliates, constantly sending traffic and sales to you.)

How to easily password-protect your digital product so it can only be downloaded by paying customers. (Follow these steps to connect your payment processor to your membership site software and prevent non-buyers from finding your thank you page… even if you’re non-techy.)

Step-by-step tutorials on how to set up and use ALL of the most important business growth tools online.
Whether it’s autoresponders, landing page software or payment processors, selling digital products DOES require some tech know-how. But fear not, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily set up all the tools you need to successfully create, sell and deliver your product.


The Finishing Touches

Simple and proven strategies to set your product up for massive success

At this stage, your focus is firmly on getting ready for your first successful launch. The devil is in the details, so in this module, we’ll take you step-by-step through how to review and test everything, so you can give your product the best possible chance of success.

My tried, tested and PROVEN formula for cranking out a cash-cow video sales letter that works like magic to convert prospects into happy, paying customers… FAST.

How to get sales from people who have already decided to NOT buy. (Almost nobody knows this high-level marketing secret.)

A common but devastating mistake many new digital product creators make when planning their launch.
(Digital product creators unaware of this secret put paid to their chances of ever making sales. Do this instead and watch the customers and sales start flooding in.)

How to structure the support you offer to your customers so you can still enjoy a "freedom lifestyle."
(Once you know this, your customers will never consume your life or affect your relationships.)

The single most important secret that GUARANTEES
your success as a digital product creator and attracts lifelong customers!
(I have students in my program who have paid $10,000 or more, have been with me for more than a DECADE... and plan to stay for at least a decade more!)

A little-known way to use non-competitive products from other marketers to rake in extra profits. (It’s a simple technique that costs you nothing... but could increase your average customer value by HUNDREDS of dollars.)


Lunching Your Product

How to successfully launch your product and enjoy your first 5-figure payday

By now, your digital product is complete, and it’s time to generate your first paying customers! This is where the REAL fun begins. We’ll walk through different strategies for launching your product, and help you determine the best fit for your situation.

How to launch your digital product to a crowd that is
ready and waiting to buy…
without wasting months or
years of your life giving away free stuff to “build a relationship” with people who will likely NEVER spend a single penny with you!

A simple (but crazy effective) 3-stage “launch battle
plan” that gives your product the best chance of sales success.
You’ll get detailed examples and checklists. And best of all, you’ll have direct one-on-one support
throughout the entire launch process from your coach.

The counter-intuitive technique I’ve used to generate hordes of traffic in every launch I’ve done. I’ll show you exactly what it is and how to deploy it in your business.

How to architect an irresistible product offer that makes
it easy for your customers to buy your product during
your launch.
You’ll discover an almost magical shortcut that makes your offer SO compelling, people buy without hesitating… including people who would normally NEVER even consider buying!

How to add thousands of new names to your email list during your launch… AND how to properly nurture that list to create an army of repeat buyers who jump to buy your products again and again.

Your trial will last for 14 days. Once the trial is over you will be billed $197 per month for 6 months.
You can cancel at any time.

Copyright © Hussein On Marketing, 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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